One of the top symbols for good luck. The word "bat" in the Chinese language sounds identical to the word for
"Good Fortune." Often five bats are shown together to represent the Five Blessings; a long life, riches, health,

love of virtue, and a natural death. Bats

Fish: Fish in Chinese sounds like the word for "Abundance and Affluence" so the fish symbolizes wealthclick to enlarge

Carp: has a metaphor of being hard-working and persevered and finally attain achievements.

Dragon fish: prevent fireclick to enlarge

Goldfish:click to enlarge The Chinese words for goldfish are identical with the two words meaning

Lions"Gold and Abundance" Goldfish

Lionsclick to enlarge:Big and small lionsclick to enlarge refer to smooth career and
having a prosperous future.Double lions mean everything goes on
well.Lions tied with ribbons mean a series of fortunate events.Lions
rolling a ball means more fortunate things are coming after you.
Male and female lions and young lions mean continuous
growth in family size. Four lions mean four generations together.
Lions sitting on a rock or refers to successful candidates in
national exams.

RoostersRoosters: good luck; succeed in government exams; wards off evil.
A picture of a red cock will protect a house from fire. click to enlargeclick to enlarge

StorkStork: it means longevity in which storks and pine usually appear together in to enlarge

Rabbits: prolific offspring

Squirrels: give birth to sons click to enlarge

Bees: Symbolizes industriousness and thrift