
一開始知道要參加這專題研習時,我是抱著隨便,無所謂的態度。但當我知道了題目後,我是滿興奮的。因為「殯儀」這個名詞對我來說是滿陌生的,而且感覺是有點可怕......不過我為這個專題研習獻出了第一次....第一次去長生店。那裏沒有我想象中陰森恐佈,除了棺材外,就如普通商店一般。 而在這一個活動當中,我認識了很多在課本內學不到的知識,這使我令我認識香港的歷史更令我明白到要做一項大型專題研習,如果沒有一組人的合作是一定做不了的。

I was excited when I learnt about the topic. Although I thought the topic was a bit fearful, the topic was new tome so I know it was going to be a new adventure. I went to a funeral undertaker for the first time, and found out that the atmosphere there was not that horrible. Apart from having coffins, it was just like a normal shop.

In this project, I know things which I can’t learn in my textbook. It makes me learn the history of Hong Kong. And of course, such a large-scale project cannot be finished without teamwork.
