
Type 1 : (10-16 marks)
  You want everything to be perfect. However, you do not want too many ritualistic formalities to take place during your funeral. Your would prefer to have a funeral which looks like a wedding ceremony, meaning that it should be a solemn one, and people will also review your achievements in your life. You also want your relatives and friends to remember you during the funeral, but the atmosphere has to be warm. This is different from a traditional funeral which is always a sad occasion.
Type 2 (17—23 marks)
You are a realistic person but you have not hope of achieving you dreams. You want all ritualistic formalities to be included in your funeral. However, you are against superstitious practices and do not want an extravagant funeral. You would like to see the most important people in your life to give you a farewell and hope that they would face their future challenges courageously without you.
Type 3 (24-30 marks)
  You are not a stubborn person. You always try your best, but would let god or destiny decide the results. Even when things do not go smoothly, you would still be happy. Since you think that everyone is going to die, you do not care about the style of your funeral. The only thing you care about is whether your offspring are present.