
這一次的專題研習,我是紙紮組的成員。在這只有三人的小組,每一件也需與其餘的兩位同學同心協力,而且也要親力親為,不再只是依賴老師。 這一次的經歷,使的更心切的明白到團隊精神為何物和團隊精神的重要性。更讓認識了很多有關殯儀、紙紮的事項,就好像是殯儀、紙紮在過往與現時的分別。而且,還有改善我的英語水評。 這一次的機會,使我有了一個特別的經歷、回憶。所以,我真的很榮幸能參與這一個有關殯儀的專題研習。

In this project, I am one of the members of the “Paper Work Group”. There were only three members in my group so we all need to work hard together. We need to do everything by ourselves, such as translating the materials, and interviewing the people who work in the field, etc. This was a valuable experience for me since I have learnt more about the traditions of funeral and “paper work”. Apart from this, I have learnt the importance of team spirit and improve my English through the process. I am glad that I was chosen to be one of the members to work on this project and to have the chance to experience this meaningful process

By Fung King Shan