The Changes of Industries Related to Funeral Rites in Hong Kong

Articles For Worshiping & Funeral Rites Industries related to funeral rites include the following industries:

   -Sandal wood industry

   -Joss sticks industry

   -Funeral Procession Requisites

   -Coffin, Shroud and Musical Band

It's provided:
sandal wood,aloes wood, fresh natural, paper work, flowers ball, coffin and shroud.

According to the Hong Kong Year Book 1957, industries related to funeral rites and wedding are treated as one category. Shops would sell Chinese-style wedding costumes and funeral costumes simultaneously. Incense would be used for both weddings and funerals. At that time, both wedding ceremonies and funerals were usually in Chinese-style.

photos from:"Hong Kong Commerical Year Book of 1951"